Thursday 15 July 2010

Sil Lum Tao Wing Chuns First Form

Sil Lum Tao is the first form of Wing Chun this teaches the basics moves of Wing Chun and we will go through this now. Sometimes this is done as three forms but I prefer to do it as one complete form this is normal. The reason for breaking it into 3 parts is that the first part is done very slowly. It is important to do it very slowly and relaxed so we can form proper links and get the techniques right.

I have seen the first part done very intense and this in my view is incorrect as you will build muscles in the wrong place and the wrong type. It is important to go through the form seeing the Ki flowing in each move and indeed each move should stand up to the unbendable test. Much of the form is concerned with stretching the muscles of the arm and keeping the center line.


Lets start with the feet together raise the arms by the chest photo s1.jpg. now put the weight on the heels and turn the toes outwards a comfortable distance photo s2.jpg. With the weight on the toes turn the heels out so you end up in the position photo s3.jpg. This is a way of ensuring you get into the correct horse stance with the feet correct distance apart. Push the arms down along the center line photo s4.jpg and then roll them up in front of the chest still on the center line photo5.jpg. finally return them to your sides photo s1.jpg.


These moves are there to get used to the center line but can be interpreted as a lower block against a kick followed by a double block at chest height.


We now start with the left hand bring it into the center photo s6.jpg and then punch totally relaxed visualizing the Ki flowing until the final moment when you do the snap photo s7.jpg.


Turn the palm up when you have completed the punch into Tan Sau photo s8.jpg with a side view of this in photo s10.jpg. Now rotate the wrist inward until it is at position shown in photo s9.jpg and then withdraw the hand back to the start position photo s1.jpg. The wrist rotation has minor variations in that some at this point extend the fingers and make a fist and then withdraw the hand this being a grabbing action this is what I normally do.

The sequence is now repeated on the right side, it is worth remembering that most of the system follows the same format of doing the moves first on the left then repeating on the right.


Photos s11-13 show the moves now done on the right first the punch then turn the palm up for Tan Sau do the wrist role and withdraw back to position in photo s1.jpg.



Push the arm out along the center line into a Tan Sau and at the end rotate the hand clockwise a full circle Heun Sau as shown in photos s14-s18.jpg the wrist ends up with the hand vertical bring the hand back to the center with the wrist still vertical photo s22.jpg.


Let your hand drop naturally into a Fuk Sau photo s19.jpg then extend the arm bringing the elbow into the center line rotate the hand again and bring it back to the center photos s21-s22.jpg


perform a Paak Sau your arm should not go past the shoulder photo s23.jpg pull it back to the center and then perform Juk Jeung along the center line s24.jpg turn the arm up into Tan Sau rotate the wrist and withdraw to the side as we did in photos s8-s10.jpg.



All this section is done very slowly and normal repeated 3 times repeat the same movements with the other hand photo's s25-s30.jpg you end up at photo s10.jpg again this is in fact the end of the first section called Gong Lik. Some break at this point and do the next section Fa Ging as another form.


The section starts with Yan Jeung photo s31.jpg with the left hand ensure you relax until the last moment and then snap the palm down now do the same with the right hand photo s32.jpg. Now do a double rear palm strike photo s33.jpg this can be seen from the rear in photo s34.jpg this is followed by a double palm strike to the front photo s35.jpg.


Fold the arm with the left hand on top shown in photo s36.jpg you then strike to both sides Pek Jueng as in photo s37-s38.jpg I have shown to photos as it is not done as one fast move but first bring the arms out and then perform the chop from that point so power comes from the elbow not from a swinging action. Bring the arms back with one on top of the other photo s39.jpg this time the right is on top.


Next is Double Jut Sau photo s40.jpg there is slight variations in how this is done I rotate the arm to do this with the wrist wing at the end; others just let it drop. It depends what you interoperate this move to be it could be a double knife hand, a way of controlling the center, or a palm in block at the end of the day it is only a minor variation.


Turn the palms into a double Tan Sau s41.jpg perform a double palm block as seen in s42.jpg followed by a double Biu gee a double Jut Sau as in photo s43.jpg again do a double palm block photo s42.jpg then bring the arms up into position shown in photo s44.jpg and withdraw then to your sides palm up.


Do a palm block to the side photo s23.jpg followed by a palm strike s24.jpg. This is sometimes done with the palm sideways in photo s54.jpg instead. Turn the arm into a Tan Sau circle the wrist and withdraw it to the waist then repeat on the other side s29-s30.jpg.


Do a Tan Sau with the left hand photo s45.jpg and then move it down keeping the elbow still to a Gaan Sau s46.jpg go back to Tan Sau s45.jpg then circle the wrist s47.jpg and do a palm strike s48.jpg turn this into Tan Sau then withdraw the arm to the side.


I have seen this taught the other way round by doing the palm strike from Gaan Sau the coming back to Tan Sau again all the movements are the same just in a slightly different order.

Repeat on the other side s49-s51.jpg.


  Now we do a Bong Sau with the left hand s52.jpg then drop the elbow into a Tan Sau s53.jpg do a palm strike I do it side ways as in photo s54.jpg but again some do it with a palm up strike withdraw the hands to the side and repeat with the other hand  s55-s57.jpg.



The final moves now are a Chaan Sau with the left hand s58.jpg then place the left hand on top of the left photo s59.jpg with the palm up.



Chop down with the right hand as you withdraw the left photo s60.jpg repeat with the other hand s61-s62.jpg do it once more with the left hand so you have done it twice on that side finally punch with the left hand then the right s63-s64.jpg. You can repeat the punches as many times as you like normally 2 or three times. Withdraw the arms to the side and bring them down by your side s65.jpg as you bring you feet together.

This is the end of the first form.

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